Our Solutions

Dont know how your business will grow?
We at PayPlus have made
special packages for you!

Start making money out of us

Join affiliate program
Payment Solutions
Israels leading payment solutions
PayPlus Mobile
Credit Card payment with iPhone or Android
Websites Payment Addons
Redirect for the electronic E-commerce systems
Recurring Payments
Israels top recurring credit card payment system
Integration to wordpress
IFRAME/Redirect integration
Integration to wordpress
Emv Compliance
Payment solutions with EMV compliance
Dedicated domain
Secure payment page with your domain
Payment with bit
From today its easier to pay with bit
Membership Cards multipass
From today its easier to pay with membership cards
SMS Systems
Send SMS directly from your payplus account
Hosting And Hotels oracle
Special integration of PayPlus to Oracle
Cashiers sap
Smart cashiers sap b1

Apple Pay

The most simple and safe way to pay at your site, just click on "Pay with Apple Pay"

Without the need to add to cart of fill a form

Apple Pay pic
advanced api interface

Advanced API interface

advanced report system

Advanced report system

one form with alot of integrations

Single form with a variety of integrations

higher conversion rate

Higher conversion rate percentage

How does it work

After setting up your POS with your credit card company, simply integrate PayPlus checkout form into your website to enable Apple Pay for your customers


  • Payment on the website without the need to enter credit card details
  • Secure transactions through Apple Pay 3D Secure
  • Without any special integration
  • Without changing your payment provider
  • Everything under one interface of PayPlus
From now on we pay
With Apple Pay

Easy and secure, can be used for both online shopping and businesses

credit card example

Let you customer pay exactly how the want

Gain a better understanding of your entire business with deep insights and comprehensive reports, all in one place

bottom R Detailed reports

Get all your data in organized reports

bottom L Fast and secure payment

Starting today, your customers can pay without entering credit card details

payplus app preview