Our Solutions

Dont know how your business will grow?
We at PayPlus have made
special packages for you!

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Join affiliate program
Payment Solutions
Israels leading payment solutions
PayPlus Mobile
Credit Card payment with iPhone or Android
Websites Payment Addons
Redirect for the electronic E-commerce systems
Recurring Payments
Israels top recurring credit card payment system
Integration to wordpress
IFRAME/Redirect integration
Integration to wordpress
Unique integration to Wix
EMV-compliant payment terminals
Payment solutions with EMV compliance
Dedicated domain
Secure payment page with your domain
Payment with bit
From today its easier to pay with bit
Membership Cards multipass
From today its easier to pay with membership cards
SMS Systems
Send SMS directly from your payplus account
Hosting And Hotels oracle
Special integration of PayPlus to Oracle
Cashiers sap
Smart cashiers sap b1
Guy Plus

PayPlus Mobile - Credit card proccesing in iPhone or Android PayPlus enables you to process credit cards using an iPhone or Android device through a unique application that complies with strict credit card industry standards that practically makes your iphone or android device to a mobile processing terminal.
The solution is suitable for any business that wants to perform card processing anywhere, in a simple, convenient, and immediate manner.

Girl on fire


  • Credit card processing on the field without device limitations
  • Simplicity in card processing - entering credit card details and completing the transaction with the push of a button
  • Support for multiple POS (Point of Sale) devices
  • Perfect security - The product is secured to the credit card standard on cellular
  • View all transaction details and transaction history on your cell phone
  • Internet reporting system

How does the application work?

Download the app "Mobile PayPlus" for iPhone or Android
Define the terminal details you got from PayPlus
Check that the application reports on terminal connection
Insert the transaction amount and fill the customer information
Let the customer sign on the screen
The credit card voucher can be printed or sent via Email later

For more details

Fill in the form and a representative will call you as soon as possible