Our Solutions

Dont know how your business will grow?
We at PayPlus have made
special packages for you!

Start making money out of us

Join affiliate program
Payment Solutions
Israels leading payment solutions
PayPlus Mobile
Credit Card payment with iPhone or Android
Websites Payment Addons
Redirect for the electronic E-commerce systems
Recurring Payments
Israels top recurring credit card payment system
Integration to wordpress
IFRAME/Redirect integration
Integration to wordpress
Emv Compliance
Payment solutions with EMV compliance
Dedicated domain
Secure payment page with your domain
Payment with bit
From today its easier to pay with bit
Membership Cards multipass
From today its easier to pay with membership cards
SMS Systems
Send SMS directly from your payplus account
Hosting And Hotels oracle
Special integration of PayPlus to Oracle
Cashiers sap
Smart cashiers sap b1

Recurring payments management

Start efficiently managing your subscribers without any programming knowledge using our advanced recurring instructions interface.There you can establish and enforce the constancy of your recurring instructions.

Supporting all billing models

Flexible billing logic through recurring credit card instructions or direct debit instructions. Product allocation to recurring instructions and one-time charges creation.For example: One-time registration fees and setting up monthly charges, including specifying the billing date and whether the charge is for a fixed period or ongoing.

Dont lose income

Reduce churn rates through recurring billing trials. Automated email notifications for failed payments and automatic card updates.

Streamline your recurring instructions management

From now on, you can understand your business growth rates and customer retention through automated reports, easily synchronize billing and payment data with your other workflow processes.

System features

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Creating recurring instructions and establishing the recurring billing process

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Option for one time charge in recurring instructions

For example: registration fees and monthly payments

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Option to create recurring charges from monthly to daily

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Creating recurring instructions directly from the websites payment page

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Integration with an external invoicing system

(Working with all the leading supplier)

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Connecting recurring instructions via an advanced API interface for developers

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Handling erroneous recurring instructions and invalid credit card numbers

Advantages in managing recurring payments system
  • Complete assurance that no recurring instructions will be missed, and you can view all instructions in an advanced and user-friendly interface
  • Set it and forget it - define a recurring instruction, and everything flows automatically
  • Ensuring that you receive all your payments on time
  • Cash flow forecasting for easier business management and future planning
  • Setting a free trial period so that your customers can make better decisions about using your product or service
  • Convenience and time savings for both you and your customers
  • Building strong and lasting customer relationships. Higher customer value
  • Your customers can register for multiple plans and recurring instructions simultaneously, increasing conversion rates and enhancing your business performance
  • You have time to focus on your business
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Full masav integration

The Direct Debit system operated by MSP processes data and reconciles for the banks regarding debit returns (unpaid) and credit returns. You can directly access the data of debits and credits returned by banks through the customer interfaces reconciliation report.

Examples of reasons for debit returns / Bank refunds:

x icon ACHP (Account Closed, No Chance of Recovery)

x icon Account owner passed away

x icon Access cancellation

x icon Foreclosed account

x icon No permission

x icon Account closed

x icon No account

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For more details

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